C&T stands for new ways of fusing drama and digital technologies.
We integrate potential synergies that can be constructed between a range of theatrical, immersive and technological forms. Dramatic techniques, genres and methodologies co-exist alongside emerging digital approaches such as augmented reality, virtual reality, AI and gamification. Our approach is creative, practical, scholarly and academically rigorous.
We deploy our research to enable us to create new tools, forms and approaches that are rigorous, robust and efficacious. These can be technological or performative. What drives any development process is an intention to bring benefit and effect change for users, participants and audiences.

Our platform Prospero is at the core of our approach. Prospero is an online utility that enables anyone to mix and blend drama, kinaesthetic learning and digital technologies. We continue to research and develop new functions and tools for Prospero, bringing new benefits to our growing community of users.
We work in collaboration with artists, researchers and technologists around the world, partnering with theatres, venues, galleries, universities, schools and agencies. Our approach is open, transparent and diverse.
Through our Prospero Academy we distribute what we learn, adding value to the practice of others. We partner with universities around the world. We publish our findings in leading books and journals. We present at conferences and events in the UK and internationally.